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Sexual dimorphisms in body weight, size and morphology of salivary glands, adrenals, kidneys, mammae, should be recognized as such and not as important findings. In young animals malocclusion and hydrocephalus are life threatening conditions that should be identified at or before weaning. In adult animals of various ages, extensive dermatitis or wounds from fighting, abdominal enlargement, or neurologic signs probably are the most common conditions that are life threatening, or likely to where To Purchase Nimotop Brand Cheap breeding or research. Any mice that suffer a decline in body condition should be evaluated for likely non infectious causes and infectious causes next section.

Likely non- infectious causes of progressive decline, or wasting, in older mice more than 6 months old in some strains, more than 12 or 18 months old in long lived strains include systemic amyloidosis, severe renal disease, acidophilic macrophage pneumonia, and neoplasia. Arteritis polyarteritis, mild cardiac changes, and hyalinosis also are likely in old mice, but not usually life threatening. Obesity in overfed older animals is a management problem, but also may reflect underlying genetic predisposition. Neoplasms should be expected in aging mice, and mouse strains vary in the tumor types that are likeliest to develop.

Knowledge of genetic background should inform what tumors and other phenotypes to expect, and where To Purchase Nimotop Brand Cheap phenotypes may be unusual or important. The most common neoplasms reported in common mouse strains involve the hematopoietic system lymphomas and histiocytic sarcoma, lungs, mammary glands, and liver. Especially in older mice, the inflammation can be substantial, and accompanied by alveolar bone loss and remodeling.
